"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." Acts 26:18
CELEBRATING THE PAST. . . It was January, 1982. I had been fasting and praying about God's direction for my life. I had come home from church at Rocky Mount Christian Fellowship. I sat down at the table that afternoon and the Lord poured out a vision of a lighthouse and troubled waters, and a vision of an ulcerated stomach being healed when the light hit it, and He told me He would send me all over the world with that healing light to bring peace into the lives of troubled people. In February, after praying and seeking the Lord, two people came up to me and said, "You need to meet John Hobbs and you need to travel with him." One was a friend, Keith Morgan. The other was Chris Jordan, a great friend and brother in the Lord, who went a step further and took me to Bethel to meet John. When we first met, I had bushy black hair and a bushy beard, and John had hair. (That's the way John tells it, too!) We both took a look at each other and we figured we would not be traveling anywhere together--he, with his balding head and beady eyes that disappeared everytime he smiled, and me, with my bushy hair and beard, wearing a sheepskin coat. We both looked like shady characters! But so much for appearances! I went home and began to pray and so did he. Our first trial trip was to Millsboro, DE and Zoar UMC with Pastor Jay and Ellie Jicha. Ellie and Jay were such wonderful folks! We had an awesome time! This was the beginning of 25 years together. As we traveled home from Zoar, we shared our testimonies with each other. We discovered that a number of years earlier, we both had been called out by a prophet named Donnie Cook in Roxboro, NC at a Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship meeting. Donnie had prophesied over both of us that we would go into evangelism. At the time, John was a Methodist pastor and I was Associate Pastor of a Baptist Church. We had not met that night, but now, years later, here we were together sharing God's Good News! I continued to stay in the Baptist Church. I moved from Roxboro to Connelly Springs, NC, where I served as pastor of Connelly Springs First Baptist Church for 1 1/2 years. Here I was flowing in the evangelistic gift. I was told not to go into the trailer park alone, but ended up going with my Chairman of Deacons there to witness. We met a "lady who had a lot of gentlmen friends" and shared Jesus with her. Her sister had a friend who committed suicide shortly after this. The sister contacted me and I held the funeral services for him. In the process, this sister received Jesus and was born again. She began coming to the church and brought several children with her from the trailer park. We baptized 23 children! It was awesome!
The Lord contintued to speak to me. . . . Meanwhile, the Lord continued to speak to me. In some of our struggles, we had again contacted Donnie Cook for prayer. He received a word for me on Sunday, May 14, 1978 at 9:00 PM:"My son, I knew thee before thou comest forth out of the womb. I sanctified thee and I ordained thee." But the Lord says unto you, "Say not, I am a child. For thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee. And whatsoever I command thee, thou shall speak. Be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliver thee" . . . thus sayeth the Lord. Then the Lord put forth His hand to touch your mouth. And the Lord said, "Behold I have put my words in thy mouth. My son, therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that I command thee. My son, they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee," saith the Lord, "to deliver thee. Wherefore," thus saith the Lord God of Hosts, "because ye speak this word. Behold, I will make my words, in thy mouth, a fire. My son, I will give them a heart to know me that I am the Lord and they shall be my people and I will be their God. For they shall return unto me with their whole heart." I was invited to minister in revival services in a newly started church in Bamberg, SC by a friend from seminary. I went, and the folks there invited me to come and join the staff of the church. I know that the Lord was showing me not to go, but I went anyway. There were some really sweet folks there, but I was in the wilderness, out of the will of God. To make a very long story short, after we had gone home to Kim's mom and dad's and our second son was born, I accepted the call to a Baptist church in Rocky Mount, NC as Minister of Youth and Education. We served there for 3 1/2 years. The Lord began to stir our nest through some difficult circumstances. I resigned from the church. In the midst of all this, we began to cry out to God. And in this crying out, I received the vision and the call to evangelism. It was time! Once again, I received a word of prophecy from Faye Balance from Dover, DE on February 21, 1982: Behold thee are a tender vine unto me. Yea I have placed a burning within your heart. Yea as you walk for me I shall fullfill in you the desire that I have placed as a flame within your heart. Yea thou art tender before me and as you sit at my feet, yea as you open up your heart unto me, I shall be unto thee gentle and yea I shall be unto thee kind, I will lead thee tenderly with a gentle hand and you will not ask again, where art thou? But you will know and your questions will be stopped and ye shall know that I am your God and that I shall lead you and you will hear a voice and that voice will say that this is the way, walk in it and don't fear that you fail, don't fear that you're stepping aside and yea I shall walk within thee and ye shall walk with me, because I shall speak a word unto thee and when I speak the word I will give the ability to follow and you will follow my path.
The journey. . . It has been quite a journey! Since 1982, I have . . . . . . led worship and ministered in many churches in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Texas, Kentucky, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut; Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowships; tent meetings; coffee houses; home Bible studies; crusades; prisons; nursing homes; concerts; prayer breakfasts; youth rallies; ski retreats; youth spagetti suppers; CFO camps in many states; Women's Retreats, Youth Camps, Aglow Fellowships, a Jewish Purim festival, Christian Ashrams, funerals, Vacation Bible Schools, CBU conferences, and couples retreats. . . . sang for weddings, anniversaries, rescue squad fundraisers, gospel singings, music festivals, children's homes, nursing homes, Lion's Club meetings, Kiwanis Club meetings, television programs, homecomings, ordination services, and Retired Men's Clubs. . . . taught a Bible course on Revelation at NEW Christian Academy, Sunday School classes, and prayer counseling seminars. . . . counseled couples for marriage and couples that are married, as well as performed weddings. . . . recorded an early tape of songs; our first album, In His Presence in 1986, another tape Covenant People, two CDs Peace Flows From Him and Come to the Mountain. . . . traveled to Jamaica, Sweden, Russia, and St. Marteen on mission trips.
Blessings! Along the way, I have witnessed many, many lives turned around, delivered, marriages restored, children turning back to their fathers and mothers and vice-versa. I have seen many youth surrender to Jesus, be delivered of every kind of evil spirit, be filled with the Holy Spirit, be baptized in water, the Holy Spirit and fire. I have led many people to receive their prayer language. I have seen hundreds of people surrender to the ministry that God has for them. I have ministered many times the joy of the Lord through laughter. I have witnessed physical, soul and spiritual healings right before my eyes. I have witnessed heavy spirits roll right off of people. I have witnessed the Body of Christ ministering to each other. I have seen God's redemptive hand in death and in life.
I have been blessed to have a wife who shares God's vison for God's people with me. I have been blessed to have two sons who received Jesus at an early age and are now godly men still seeking the Lord and following Him. They have blessed us with beautiful families!
Kyle & Taraleigh |
I have been blessed to travel with the funniest man I know and the most real, John Hobbs. I have been blessed by a mother and father who love Jesus and who taught me to love Him. I have been blessed by two sisters and their husbands, children and grandchildren who love Jesus and teach others to love Him. I have been blessed by a mother-in-law and father-in-law and all of Kim's family who love Him.
I have been blessed with many friends who have stood with us in so many ways through the years. I am a blessed man and I have seen the Lord's blessing on many people. I pray that I will continue to bless others in Jesus!